Dusting off the Archives

Larkin Archives

Opening the Larkin Archives Again.

Well, every couple of years the Larkin Archives get opened and the project comes back to life.  This time its little more extreme.  I reviewed all the old images, and animation, and it was painfully obvious that I needed a clean slate to take advantage of newer render engines.  For that reason, I decided to strip back all the layers of weight from years of adjustments and quick fixes, and start with a clean framework.  This makes the model easier to manage, and allows the use of some new technology to be put in place.

I’ll be building the furniture as detailed as possible first, and then move back to the building details.  Several of the images I will be posting will be works in progress, so don’t be surprised to see white walls and empty floors.  I’ll be treating the project as a timeline and you can watch as all the pieces come together.


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